Teeth Whitening Methods in Chandler: What You Need To Know

Everyone wants to know the secret tricks of how to whiten teeth. Read our guide on do's and dont's and what's best and safest.

Woman with white teeth smiling

Do you want a brighter smile that dazzles everyone around you? Well, you’re not alone! White teeth are desired by many because they can make a great impression; they look cleaner and can bring light to your face, which will help you glow like never before. Whiter teeth are generally sought after before a big event, like a wedding, reunion, or the celebration of a milestone. Whatever the reason may be, there are ways to get a million-dollar smile, but you need to know what’s effective and what’s not. Each one of these options has its own shortcomings, and the results vary accordingly, so you need to know what you are getting into before you commit to the process.

Many patients are searching for whiter teeth methods from their dentist in Chandler. Here is our take on the processes:


If you want to save the time it takes to see a professional and are looking to save some cash, you will probably opt for natural at-home remedies to whiten your teeth. Unfortunately, these methods take months and months of commitment, and you will not get the change you are looking for. Also, in some cases, these methods can do more harm to your enamel than be helpful. Below we have broken down a few natural home remedies that people tend to opt for, telling you why they choose to do it, and what the drawbacks are.

1. Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an age-old practice with many presumed health benefits. Oil pulling helps extract toxins from the body and improves general oral health. This age-old practice involves the swishing of oil in one’s mouth over a set time period every day. Traditionally, the practice involves the use of sesame or sunflower oil, but these days coconut oil is more widely used. Oil pulling became a mainstream trend when social media influencers and celebrities started raving about the benefits of this ancient Indian practice.

Take a tablespoon of your preferred oil and place it in your mouth. Swish the oil around in your mouth, particularly focusing on the action of pulling the oil through your teeth. Do this for at least 15 minutes and up to 20 minutes. When the time is done, spit the oil out in a bin.

This method is by no means scientifically proven to whiten teeth. There are no whitening agents involved in the practice, so the appearance of whiter teeth is not a possibility. However, oil pulling does not expose your teeth to any harmful acids or substances that would harm your enamel, so it is safe to practice.

2. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a known ingredient for whitening and killing off bacteria. This is why you can see baking soda listed as an ingredient in many whitening toothpaste products. It has natural whitening properties and is a mild abrasive, so it slowly scrubs away surface stains from your teeth. All this sounds great, but brushing with baking soda can do a lot more harm than good!

First and foremost, baking soda is not a replacement for toothpaste! It does not have enough bacteria-fighting properties and has no defense to the building of plaque. In fact, if you use too much baking soda too often, the abrasive nature of the substance can damage your enamel and lead to early tooth decay. The same abrasive nature can also damage your gums; plus baking soda tastes awful!

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

The use of apple cider vinegar has become a recent trend, but the multitude of benefits in this product has been an age-old secret held by many people. Apple cider vinegar gets its antibacterial properties from acetic acid that is present within it. This acid helps clean the mouth in its entirety and helps whiten teeth.

However good this ingredient may be, it is also very acidic, so it can cause damage to the enamel. Apple cider vinegar should not be used often, and the time it is in contact with teeth should be limited. Acids effectively wear away the enamel of your teeth, leading to decay and erosion. Dentists do not recommend using vinegar to whiten teeth.

4. Fruits

Some fruits have been used to whiten teeth with claimed results. These include strawberries and pineapples. For strawberries, there have been claims that the malic acid present in the fruit can help scrub away stains from the teeth. Similarly, the enzyme bromelain present in pineapples is said to be an effective way of removing stains from teeth.

Once again, these fruits rely on acid properties to whiten teeth. Here, not only are the results questionable, but you could be causing more harm to your teeth than good. Instead, once you are done eating the fruit, dentists recommend rinsing your mouth, so the acid from the fruits don’t remain in contact with your teeth.


Over-the-counter teeth whitening methods may be more economical than seeing a professional and more effective than natural remedies, but are you really aware of what’s happening to your teeth? Products sold over-the-counter are either mildly effective over a long period or have quick results that can either be superficial or dangerous. Here are some options people opt for most often:

5. Whitening Toothpastes

The easiest way to incorporate a whitening product into your routine is to swap out your normal toothpaste for a whitening toothpaste. Some toothpaste brands use an extremely low percentage of bleaching agents, close to 1%, which either don’t show results or take a long time to show minimal results. These toothpaste products are recommended more as an aftercare and sustainability treatment post a professional whitening.

6. Teeth Whitening Strips

Whitening strips come in two varieties: the ones that give instant results and those that produce results over time as part of a prolonged treatment plan. Either way, these fancy and professional-looking products aren’t all that they are cut out to be.

These strips are extremely difficult to use and hard to place on the teeth. Once applied, the already diluted concentration of whitening products on the strip is likely going to get contaminated by saliva and dilute it further. These strips can also cause tooth and gum sensitivity if they are used over a long period.

7. At-Home Bleach Trays

If you are not certified in using bleaching products for your teeth, the general rule is that you should avoid it altogether. Bleach can be harmful to your teeth and can burn your gums if it is not used properly. At-home bleach trays often contain a higher percentage of bleaching agents than the amount recommended for home use. If you do not have the expertise to conduct the procedure, it is advisable not to attempt it yourself.


This is the quickest and most effective way to whiten your teeth. You will see a drastic change in the coloration of your teeth in a very short time. They say you should leave tasks up to the professionals, and the same is the case for teeth whitening.

Of course, if you want bright white teeth after just a short time, getting it done professionally is the way to go. Professional teeth whitening can make your teeth up to 10 shades whiter. Professionals use a combination of strong concentration whitening products with an acceleration light to give you amazing results in under an hour.

Not only that, but these professionals are trained to see what exactly is causing the discoloration of your teeth. Some stains might be superficial, but other discoloration can come from within the tooth due to illnesses or aging. Identifying the reason for the discoloration is the first step to getting whiter teeth! This is something that can only be done by a professional who knows what to look for.

If you are in Arizona and want excellent care and celebrity-level results for your teeth, make an appointment with Dr. Mark Arooni at Your Chandler Dentist. Your smile will look brighter and whiter, exactly how you want it in no time!