What to Do If You Have Gum Disease in Chandler AZ

Gum Disease TreatmentSee Your Chandler Dentist Immediately

If you have gum disease, optimal treatment results depend on addressing the disease as early as possible. The sooner you receive professional dental care, the better your treatment outcome will be. At a dental checkup in Chandler, Dentist Dr. Arooni will scrupulously search for signs of gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease, and determine a treatment to address the infection. If you notice any symptoms of periodontal disease, including bleeding gums, deep red or purple gum tissue, or chronic bad breath, contact our Chandler dental office as soon as possible.

Schedule Scaling and Root Planing in Chandler

Our experienced dentist is skilled in the art of complete and thorough infection removal. If Dr. Arooni detects plaque buildup that has created a pocket between your teeth and gums, scaling and root planing may be necessary. Also called deep cleaning, this simple procedure involves using special dental tools to remove the infection from around the tooth all the way to the root tip below the gum line. Once the tooth root is cleaned and smoothed, the gum tissue will eventually heal and reattach to the tooth.

Consider Antibiotics to Fight Periodontal Infection

At Mark Arooni DDS Care, we provide antibiotics to help thoroughly fight gum disease. Sometimes, Dr. Arooni will place antibiotic fibers between the tooth and gum to treat bacterial infection directly at the source. Along with scaling and root planing, antibiotics have been proven to effectively halt the progression of gum disease and prevent further harm to your oral health.

Continue Proactive Dental Care at Home

While gum disease is highly treatable, periodontal disease is not curable. Continue thorough oral hygiene with brushing and flossing at least twice a day to prevent reinfection and maintain good oral health. Our Chandler dentist may also recommend more frequent dental cleanings or more scaling and root planing treatments to keep gum disease at bay.

Periodontics in Chandler

At Mark Arooni DDS Care, we can help you stop the progression of gum disease with comfortable periodontal treatment. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, contact our Chandler dental office at (480)855-1200. We proudly serve patients from Guadalupe, Mesa, Sun Tan Valley, and Tempe, AZ.

By Mark Arooni DDS